Designing a baby boy's room

Designing a baby boy's room

An essential rule for organizing a house or apartment is personal space for each of the residents. Psychologists say that having a place where you can make your own rules is one of any person's essential needs, including a child.

To organize a comfortable children's room, you should pay great attention to:

  • the age of the children;
  • the choice of colours;
  • interior themes.

A well-thought-out interior will contribute to the development of the child, both physical and emotional. When planning a room for children, one should not forget about the child's needs, changing as they grow up — this undoubtedly imposes specific requirements on the children's room's functionality. In this regard, the sex of the child will play the most important role.

When equipping children's bedrooms even for baby boys, remember — this is male territory. Let the appropriate atmosphere reign here — energetic, slightly mischievous, tied to purely boyish interests. Vibrant, contrasting colours that awaken creative energy will do. Furniture should be functional and stylish. Accessories should add a decorative variety to the interior and give some inspiration.

Racing car themed kids' bedroom

Choosing the colour range

The child does not identify himself or those around him by gender until the age of 5-7. There is no difference for him about the colour, just as there is no difference in toys or «intended» games. Parents teach this to the baby, among other things. Therefore, the design of the nursery as an element of education also plays a role.

When decorating the interior, parents often resort to a universal tool for a children's room — this is a room for growth. It is essential to choose finishes and furniture in neutral and deep shades. Furniture is selected either made of light shades of wood or painted in green and blue.

The peculiarity of the luxury baby boy nursery palette is also that it includes many colours, sometimes contrasting, but at the same time minimizes the participation of ornaments and small drawings in the decor. In a nursery, combinations of large objects and colour spots look better than similar shades in a pattern. With age, the colour palette narrows down in design, approaching the usual concepts. But some interests can influence it, so decorating a room for a toddler is an entirely separate topic.

Arranging the furniture

It is necessary to remember about physical activity at this age. It is not necessary to force all the space, but the boxes with toys should be hidden, so there will be no chaos in the room, and the area will be freed up for outdoor games. Provide a washable material on the walls, for example, slate paint is perfect, you can draw on it with chalk, kids will love this idea, plus a new decor every day. It is advisable to cover the floor with a carpet — this is both warm and less traumatic. Alternatively, use a cork covering. It also absorbs well and is environmentally friendly.

The boy's room is the maximum free space. We arrange furniture around the room's perimeter and move the bed with the headboard against the wall. Neither furniture nor toys should interfere with movement. Think about which games your son might be interested in. Let the room be:

  • a place to play hide and seek;
  • a «glade» where you can put up a tent;
  • a «garage» where all the cars will stand;
  • a «construction», where it will be possible to create Lego cities.

Safari Glade from Byron's Room artwork

There are some important ideas for organizing a children's room:

  • All materials must be durable and sustainable.
  • In a space designed for small children, there should be no sharp corners and objects.
  • The dominance of bright colours will look tasteless and negatively affect the psyche of the child. Therefore bright colour accents must be placed so that they are not always in sight. For example, an accent wall at the head of the bed, so it will not be seen before going to bed.
  • It is not necessary to make the interior limited to one theme, marine or space, for example.

The only furniture with reliable fastening and perfectly functioning fittings will be practical. Children are not inclined to be careful with drawers, shelves and chairs.

Adding a personal touch

Unlike girls' bedrooms, where neoclassicism and art deco reign, boys' bedrooms are more often decorated in more laconic styles: modern, minimalism, English classics. At Dragon of Walton Street, you may find a bespoke racing car bed or other unique items.

Bespoke racing car bed from Matthew's Room artwork

Decorating a children's room requires the right choice of accessories. Manufacturers offer various products that add beautiful notes to the interior while they are interesting for a child. It is essential to remember two basic rules: you need to choose according to the style direction of the children's room, it is worth considering your child's wishes. If the child can already pick toys and other products, it makes sense to choose accessories. This will help create a pleasant environment for sleeping, learning and playing in the room.

Accessories are not only necessary for decoration and play, but they should also be practical or even educational. As for toys, they need to be changed periodically. And if it's time to say goodbye to some toys, do not accumulate them, hide them or give them to someone, leaving the most beloved ones.

An essential thing in a child's room is a container or basket for toys. Their presence will teach the child to fold toys, show his interest in this lesson, and this necessary skill will be fixed for the future. Also, arrange a table in the room where the child will be creative and study the first letters. Alternatively, you can put an easel in the nursery for mastering drawing skills. Besides, you need a lamp for additional lighting or night light. Dragon of Walton Street are here to give you some baby boy room decor ideas adding a great variety of personalized accessories.

Safari themed children's room with accessories and bespoke jeep bed

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